Enabling Legislation

STMARYSCONSERVATION smallMaryland, along with 21 other states, passed its Soil Conservation District’s Law effective June 1, 1937.  It appeared as Article 2A, Sections 15-28 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.  In 1939, renumbering of the Code resulted in the SCD Law to be in Sections 45-58.  In the 1955 issue, it appeared in Article 66C, Sections 88-103 and in 1974 it was moved to the Agricultural Article, Sections 8-101 to 8-501.

The SCD Law created the State Soil Conservation Committee with authority to organize, advise, and assist soil conservation districts.  The districts were to be organized as independent political subdivisions of the state.  The five-member boards of supervisors were given broad general authority to carry out soil and water conservation programs.  St. Mary’s Soil Conservation District was organized on January 5, 1942.