70th Annual Cooperators Dinner Meeting
2025 St. Mary’s SCD’s Annual Coloring Contest
2024 Annual Report Coming Soon…
St. Mary’s SCD Updates E&S Review Fee Schedule


The St. Mary’s Soil Conservation District is a political subunit of state government which was created on November 14, 1941. The legal charter was issued by the state of Maryland on January 5, 1942.

The District is governed by a board of supervisors who are local county residents. Members are appointed to five (5) year terms by the State Soil Conservation Committee, with recommendations from the County Commissioners, Farm Bureau, and University of Maryland Extension. There are five voting members, one non-voting member and associate members. These supervisors regularly attend meetings to keep informed on local, state and national issues, which could have an impact on farmers, landowners and residents within our area. The District’s technical staff is provided by the USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Maryland Department of Agriculture and from the District itself.